00:59:23 Merrie Beth - GEO AquaWatch Secretariat: We will get started soon! I have muted everyone. 00:59:39 Merrie Beth - GEO AquaWatch Secretariat: During the Q&A you unmute to ask your questions. or type them here. 01:30:10 Alejandro Molina-Garcia: Can we obtain the today's presentation? 01:31:48 Merrie Beth - GEO AquaWatch Secretariat: Hello Alejandro, Yes it will be available on the GEOAquaWatch website in a day or so Hello Alejandro, Yes it will be available on the GEOAquaWatch website in a day or so www.geoaquawatch.org 01:32:12 Alejandro Molina-Garcia: Thank you 01:34:26 Emilio Mayorga: Are time series available only for the regional demonstration basins? For the global mosaic, it looks like there's only a single mosaic across dates. 01:36:24 Chui: great presentation. is there someone to get your slides? thx 01:38:36 Guido Schmidt: Thanks for the presentation; would data be available in xls or other format as well, which could facilitate the use for research? 01:43:37 Merrie Beth - GEO AquaWatch Secretariat: http://www.worldwaterquality.org/