2022 GEO AquaWatch Biennial Meeting – Virtual

Water Quality Information for the Benefit of Society: The future of Earth Observation technology, products and people

A Virtual GEO AquaWatch Community Workshop

21-24 March 2022

The use of Earth Observation (EO) for water quality applications is rapidly advancing. GEO AquaWatch invites you to a four-day gathering of the inland and coastal water quality community. The objective of this biennial meeting was to assess the current state of the science, technology, products and workforce of this field and identify short- and long-term priority activities for the GEO AquaWatch community. Discussions of data and technology challenges, linkages between Earth Observation (EO) data providers and stakeholders, EO capacity building and education were fostered. The workshop presentations from international projects and partnerships provided a unique opportunity to engage with the international water quality EO community. GEO AquaWatch has a strong emphasis on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies and these principles were encouraged in program participants and during discussions.  The workshop included limited science and brainstorming sessions over three days and daily keynote speakers.

Read the final SummaryProgramme , and Poster Abstracts

See select recorded presentations from the workshop agenda available below.


Session 1:  User Needs Assessment of Earth Observation Data for Water Quality.  Several invited speakers summarizing recent user needs assessments.

Session 2:  Day 1 Keynote Address, Marc Paganini, European Space Agency on International Partners Needs for Earth Observation

Session 3: End User Capacity Development and Education

Session 4:  New Technology and Emerging Data Types for Earth Observation

Session 5:  Day 2 Keynote Address by Dr. Mina Bizic, Engaging Early Career Scientists and Early Career Session

Session 8:  Organizational overview and potential restructuring

Session 10: Day 3 Keynote Address and Report Outs

Session 11: Community Discussion of Finding