Advanced Techniques for Monitoring Water Quality Using Earth Observation
This booklet presents information about water quality issues and monitoring in a variety of habitats and exemplars of water quality monitoring using archived and next generation Earth Observation data using technologies developed and exploited by researchers within the AquaWatch community.
Available Satellite Water Quality Products and Uses (pdf)
Implementation Plan and Governance Documents 
These Documents define our governance structure. This Convener Proposal describes the GEO AquaWatch’s plans under GEO’s Post-2025 Work Programme and outlines anticipated activities.
AquaWatch Policies and Procedures, Annual DEI Reports 
Flyer and Poster
The flyer and poster provide a general overview of the initiative.
Informational Slidedeck
The GEO AquaWatch SlideDeck (circa 2024) provides a general overview of GEO AquaWatch.