JCSDA Announces Public Release of JEDI System!
The Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) is pleased to announce that we are planning the first public, open-source release of the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) system this fall.
The proposed initial release of JEDI intends to feature:
Source code on publicly accessible JCSDA Github repository under open-source license
Code needed to run observation operators (aka, H(x) as shown in our near-real-time monitoring application) with GFS and GEOS model backgrounds
Code required for the JEDI Academy tutorials
A container equipped with the environment to pull JEDI source code from GitHub, build necessary executables, and run data through H(x) for a single data assimilation cycle
Documentation and self-paced tutorials posted on the JCSDA website
Limited user support will be provided via a dedicated forum monitored by the JEDI users and developers community.
The target release date, pending Management Oversight Board (MOB) approval, is October 2020. Future JEDI Academy training sessions will take advantage of the publicly posted code for practical sessions, allowing users to apply what they learn at the Academy to their own JEDI pursuits with ease.