1st Internat’l OSO Registration Closes May 15th!


First International Operational Satellite
Oceanography Symposium, June 17-20, 2019, College Park, MD
Registration is now open and the Executive Steering and Programme Committees are pleased to invite community members from all levels of the value chain (data providers to users) of operational satellite oceanographic data, products and applications to attend the first international Operational Satellite Oceanography (OSO) Symposium. The themes to be addressed are 1) redefining the operational paradigm, 2) linking data providers to information providers, 3) helping users find the information they need, and 4) facilitating the end-to-end value chain. Participants can also elect to attend a day of training on Monday, 17 June 2019 at the same location.  Abstracts are now closed.  Registration closes May 15 and will not be extended! Register here!

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